Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wonder Girls- Tell Me

Keagan e-mailed us the other day and asked us if we like Korean music. Great question Keagan. The answer is... yes. This video should explain why we like it. As far as we can tell, this is the most popular song in Korea right now. We hear "Tell Me" probably twice a day. At the gym last week, there was a dance class replicating the Wonder Girls signiture moves. A fifty year old woman in red leather stretch pants was a notable participant. Moments like those help me learn to love or at least appreciate Korea a little more. Janny and I are planning on attending dance class next week to learn the dance. Keep posted for some Park Jin Yung videos- equally awesome.


Kevin said...

This music video is perhaps the best part of my day. Good to catch up with you both via the information superhighway. peace out, Kevin

Abbey said...

Wow, and I thought the Spice Girls were good...

Kathy said...

Hey you guys! Ryan, I can somehow see you right there in the middle of those girls, doing the Michael Jackson thang. Your mom told me about your blog today....awesome! Love and miss you, and hope to see you this year.

Mom said...

I love these Korean culture lessons! I probably know almost as much about popular Korean music now as I do American. The Wonder Girls -- and their video -- actually seem very American. Can't wait to see you guys strut your stuff! Will that be the next video? :-)

I'm actually feeling very musical these days with Brian's Ipod. I don't think it's totally loaded yet; but it's great to have days worth of music that I love where ever I go. I don't wear my music; but, if I remember to plug it in, I'm listening a lot.

Keep up the great blogging! Love, Mom