We've found a few good Korean meals that we can count on and can both eat dinner for $7. (we eat a lot of rice and tangerines.) There's also a Pizza Hut right down the street from us if we need it, and thankfully we live in a very convenient area of Daegu and are right across the street from a grocery store where we can get cereal, fruit, milk, etc. We are on the subway line and can get downtown in 15 minutes if we need a Starbucks or other food from home. We are getting better at eating Korean food though, last night we had really good sushi and today we had bibinbop and kimbop for lunch. Bibinbop is a bowl of rice with different vegetables and spicy sauce all mixed together. Kimbop is a kind of roll with rice, some sort of meat, egg and vegetables wrapped in seaweed. The strangest food we seem to get for lunch at the school. The other day we were served quail eggs with rice and seaweed, once we had minows mixed with some sort of green vegtable. The whole minow... even the eyes! The weekend after that we went on a mission to find a Starbucks, I needed a little comfort from home. Ryan is trying to like kimchi. He's made it his goal to take one bite at every meal and to tell himself he loves it. I think it's working. ...I haven't gotten there yet.
1 comment:
Cute pictures it is so good to see your faces. You sound so good on the phone and in your emails. We miss you so much and maybe aren't going to make it 12 months. I want to hear more about teaching and see pics. Tangerines and rice. . . .mmmmmmmmmm!
love you,
The McMurrays
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