This is me at Henry's house. Don't tell the other kids that Henry is one of my favorites. Everytime he finishes his work we wiggles in his chair and sings "I'm binished, I'm binished."
Does Santa come to Korea? ... You bet. The Friday before Christmas I dressed up as Santa Claus and Janny dressed as Mrs. Claus. and delievered presents to the kindergarteners. We sang Christmas carols and choked down any wild food that the parents offered us. It was fun to see where the kids from our school live. They typically live in large buildings in small apartments. Their Christmas trees were an average two feet tall. We'd huddle around them so the kids could take pictures with Santa. Instead of saying "cheese" before the pic. we'd say "kimchi" and then smile.
Finally! I've been checking the blog faithfully and nothing. Then I take a few days off and you have multiple posts.
Anyhoo, glad you're doing well.
Let the adventure continue!
Nice work on the blog...I look forward to seeing your updates. Check out our page for baby Pollard posts...
My favorite post yet!!!!!!!!! Are you joking about the pet turtle??????? You two are classic. You look so cute in the Santa outfits. I love the story about Henry! Keep the fun kinder stories coming. Miss you two it was so great to chat the other night. I am going to put a link to your blog on our adoption blog. . .I hope that is OK. Everyone keeps asking me about you guys. You promissed me you would keep up the blog. . . I'm holding you to it. The boys love looking at it. They want more pics of the turtle.
love you!
Darcy and Keagan
Are you going to bring that turtle home??????? Did you know that Manny rhymes with Janny. Did you name him that because you wanted to rhyme his name like Janny???
Kinkade loves the Mr. and Mrs. Claus picture!
We love you because you are GREAT! Keagan says you are like Jesus that is why we love you!
Bye Bye
Keagan and Kinkade
This is Aaron. I love the name Emmanuel. Sublimely appropriate for a Korean turtle. We miss you guys tons. Spokane isn't the same without you. The picutures of the kids are adorable.
love reading this blog!!! it makes us feel like we are experiencing korea with you. love hearing your "voices" in the posts!!!!!!! keep posting. give us as much info as you possibly can!
miss you!!!!!
heidi and ryan
I'm posting myself too because you are so cool and you deserve it.
You guys are awesome and I'll be sure to drink some extra wine for you at our next wine club. We miss you guys!
Manny....A great choice for a studio apartment. :-)
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