Apartment view from the kitchen.

View from the mud room.


Bathroom: Notice- the shower head comes out of the faucet. There is a lever that switches it. If we forget to pull the lever after using the shower we get sprayed with cold water our backs, faces, or both.
Hey you two,
I was so excited to see you updated the blog. It is fun to see pics of your flat. I felt "cool" just writing flat! The white litghts are my favorite. We miss you more than you know. I'm leaving for Guatemala today. Hope you had a great week off. We need a new call time we would love to chat.
love you!
Aaron Says:
I think it would be cool to have bathroom/shower all in one.
We miss you. It's boys week at the McMurray house this week, while Darcy is in Guatemala.
Hugs to Manny. Love you.
I've been waiting to see pictures of the apartment, it looks cozy... I love the lights! How is your turtle, I bet he's pretty entertaining, do you have skype yet? I miss you tons! The Wine club isn't the same without you, and no replacements- ever!!! Call me when you get a break form the piercing voices!
Dear Ryan & Janny--
I will admit, I found you on Facebook so that I could stalk your blog. As soon as I heard you were going to So. Korea I thought I could perhaps relive our days traveling in China by hearing what you're up to. The picture of your bathroom and flat warms my heart. I see that you too have now experienced what few Americans ever will- the art of showering where you poop/pooing where you shower. It's a true art form. I found standing in the corner to be the best option, and then half splashing myself while usually whimpering from the cold. I can only hope that you have towels larger than the washclothes we used for three months. :) Love you guys and your new adventure! I will be faithfully reading! -Lesley
Your place looks lots bigger than our Skype tour made it seem! Or, does the camera exaggerate? At any rate, I was happy to see these pictures. Are you sure you want to move?? :-) Mom
That bathroom is pretty incredible! I miss you a ton! I just told Liv I was writing you guys a little note and she just kept saying Jammy, Jammy, Jammy...in her little high voice. We love you! When the girls go down for naps I will email you a real email!
Love you!
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