This week has gotten better, but on Monday and Tuesday I was ready to pack our bags and come home! We never would, but the thought of pulling a "midnight run" (sneaking out of Korea in the middle of the night) sounded pretty appealing Tuesday. Our week got better when we got a Valentine's care package in the mail from home, loaded with chocolate and microwavable popcorn, tortillas (on special request), etc.
..Overall our experience here in Korea has been good and we know it's good for us, but sometimes I wonder why we chose to be so far away again... in a place we'd never visited... for a whole year.... Other times it's great and Ryan and I laugh really hard.
We know it will get better and we can't wait for spring... my mom is coming to visit, it will be light out when we get off work and hopefully warm so I can take off my coat and mittens. it isn't snowing here, but it is really cold and I'm getting tired of seeing my purple sweatshirt and Northface in every picture we take. (see below)